Political Shenanigan

Abortion- You choose campaign

This assignment was to decide on a cause or issue we feel strongly about, then come up with a party name and plans for a campaign.  My group decided to go with abortion.  This issue is always strongly debated, and we took the side of being pro-choice.  Our campaign was focused on “You Choose”- you meaning the woman.  We realize that babies are a commitment and it can be a struggle through the nine months of pregnancy to give it up for adoption, so the only fall back is to abort.  I personally would never abort my baby.  I do the Walk for Life in San Francisco, and I believe that all babies should have a chance to live.  In the world today that might be a controversial statement, within the topic of abortion, because population is so high and resources are meager, but who is to say that we cannot accept another life? Well, I guess that would be filmmakers, because they keep pushing the dystopian world that involves chaos and uprisings that lower the population, for example: The Maze Runner, Divergent, and The Hunger Games; as well as protesters for abortion (which includes all kinds of people involved in the decision too).

We also chose to be pro-choice in this campaign because it is the woman’s body carrying the fetus, unlike seahorses and other animals where the male does it, so they should choose. Our leader was the president of Planned Parenthood, an obvious choice because she already advocates for abortion, but also counsels women for keeping it.  Also, she is a woman in power, so feminism is on our side.

We decided that because most women are online these days, our campaign will be on social media to get the word out.  It is a way that a person of any age can access our contact information, and social media usually spreads the word like wildfire.

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